17 Apr

Causal Inference on Medication Effects Using Secondary Healthcare Data

Öffnungszeiten / Beginn:

10:00 Uhr

17. April 2024


Center for Advanced Studies LMU Seestraße 13 80802 München

Kick-Off-Workshop of the CAS Research Focus “Medical Data Processing” organized by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schneeweiss and Prof. Michal Abrahamowicz, Ph.D.

  • Sebastian Schneeweiss is Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at Harvard Medical School and Chief of the Division of Pharmacoepidemiologyand Pharmacoeconomics of the Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women`s Hospital. He has developed analytic methods to improve the scientific validity of epidemiologic analyses using complex longitudinal healthcare databases.
  • Michal Abrahamowicz is Professor at the Division of Clinical Epidemiology of the McGill University Health Centre. His area of expertise is methodological research on the development of new statistical methodology and collaborative research, in which these new methods are applied in epidemiologic and clinical studies.

Both are currently Visiting Fellows in the context of the CAS Research Focus “Medical Data Processing”.

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